IPVANISH LOGIN (KEEP YOURSELF LOGGED IN AND USE IT WHENEVER YOU WANT ON ANY DEVICE. I can't see any of your traffic, you can't see mine, nobody can see anybodys activity!

Facebook Hacked Help, as best as I know! The sooner the better when doing this, as it can lead to more and more bad implications. First thing is you need to put up a post in large capital letters that says something like "MY FACEBOOK HAS BEEN HACKED, IF YOU GET A MESSAGE FROM ME PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON IT!"

Go under your security settings and clear all active login sessions (including the one you are in), and also where it shows places you are logged in or devices currently logged into, clear them all out then change your password right after that! Keep an eye on it if you can as much as possible. When you get back I will help you go over anything connected possibly to your facebook account that looks suspicious and go from there. This should do for now!

Next thing to do is to report it to Facebook not that they will help but so its documented. After that, Change your password to something really strong, but take your time to make it complicated and store it somewhere you can access it. Try not to use zeros or the letter O, try not to use lowercase L or number 1 when possible, these are often confused and different devices, and fonts will display them all differently, so best to avoid these. Also, Make sure that your new password is at least 10 characters if possible, or more. No less than 8. Obviously use a mixture of capital letters, lowercase, numbers and symbols and always make it nothing like any of your other passwords since FB is the easist to hack. Message any of your close friends and family that you use messenger to communicate with often or the most, and let them know on there and or other forms of communication that you have been hacked and to not open any messenger messages. Same goes for Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and all Social Media as I hear they are all kindof merging together for messaging just not sure when, how or which ones yet!

Have a Wonderful, and safe trip, do not worry about any of this, this inofrmation should keep you very safe, everyone's facebook gets hacked, normally its just an annoyance, occasionally it can get bad but normally it just spreads rapidly deepending on how crafty the person or bot is that creates these viruses. It's like a mild version of covid where most people being totally asymptomatic but that small percent not so, but i emphasize MILD VERSION!

I Love you my Friend, have a great trip!

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